Get the VIP Treatment
The Aluma Rail Frame with Vinyl Integrated Privacy Pickets provides the ultimate in heavy-duty, low-maintenance privacy and security. As a result, it is perfect for for any residential, commercial, or industrial application. We offer the VIP in 6’ wide by 4’, 5’ and 6’ high sections. Additionally, there are four top rail profiles to choose from. Manufactured with a minimum strength of 35,000 psi, The VIP Advantage is strong as steel, but will never rust.
All components of your VIP Advantage Fence are color matched or interchangeable.
All colors are applied with a special Powercoat™ finish to resist harsh weather and heat. Custom colors are available with a modest upcharge.

Railing Profiles

Tek-nically Supeior Lifetime Warranty
Tek-Rail’s Vinyl Integrated Privacy Pickets come with a lifetime guarantee against defects in workmanship and/or materials. Similarly, the VIP aluminum frame has a lifetime guarantee protecting it against cracking, peeling, or chipping.

The VIP Advantage privacy fence offered in 6’sections
Consists of: 3⁄4” x 5” x .080 T & G Boards, 3” or 4” square post (including cap), and your choice of top rail profiles

You can see our tek-nical superior presence in:
Greenville, SC | Charlotte, NC | Atlanta, GA | Charlottesville, VA | Washington D.C. |
Baltimore, MD | Nashville, TN | Columbus, OH | Louisville, KY | Orlando, FL | And surrounding areas